“Leander Games” is a recognizable title of the developer. In Russian language it could be sound like “The Lion Man”. It shows the energy force of company’s genuine passion, which stimulates to the developing of new software products.
Leander Games consists of specialist from the next areas: design, illustration, scripting, mathematics, statistical analysis (but mostly from players).
“Leander Games” is a recognizable title of the developer. In Russian language it could be sound like “The Lion Man”. It shows the energy force of company’s genuine passion, which stimulates to the developing of new software products.
Leander Games consists of specialist from the next areas: design, illustration, scripting, mathematics, statistical analysis (but mostly from players).
This developer was established in crisis year (2008). The main office is based in Buenos Aires. After seven years, the “Leander Games” has collected an impressive portfolio of huge set of new games. The interest of the famous platforms in the industry of web gambling managed to pull by the using of novelties in web technologies.
The big sphere of the developer’s software line consists of slot-machines. Especially notice should be paid to works, which combine roulette, poker and bingo: Reely Bingo, Reely Roulette, Reely Poker, etc.
Leander Games is a novice of online gambling. However, even taking this into account, the developer has reached a standing as a quality manufacturer of ready-made program solutions for web gambling.